Rainforest Rescue: How BioPak is Helping to Make a Difference
14th Nov 2019
The Daintree Rainforest is an incredibly unique and diverse ecosystem. Through buying BioPak you are helping to save the Daintree. BioPak donates 1% of profits to Rainforest Rescue. With your help, they protect and restore rainforests around the world.
What is Rainforest Rescue?
Rainforest Rescue works to protect and restore vulnerable rainforest ecosystems. Established in 1998, Rainforest Rescue buys threatened rainforest properties to save and replant them. Their current focus is the Daintree lowland, which is unprotected even though it has the same amazing biodiversity as the uplands. When Rainforest Rescue began, 180 lowland Daintree properties were unprotected. Rainforest Rescue has now bought and protected the 31st of these properties, with BioPak’s help.
The Importance of Rainforests
The Southern Cassowary's status has changed from 'Endangered' to 'Vulnerable' in the Daintree, thanks to Rainforest Rescue. Rainforests are the ‘lungs of the planet’ and impact on ecosystems around the world. They take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, provide a home for many species that are not found anywhere else, and stop nutrients and chemicals running into the river. The Daintree is an ancient and unique area where many of Australia’s animals and plants originated, millions of years ago. Kristin Canning from Rainforest Rescue speaks of ‘protecting the unprotected’ in their vital work with the Daintree lowland. By saving land and reforesting damaged rainforest, the Southern Cassowary has moved from ‘Endangered’ to ‘Vulnerable’, one step closer to safety. Wildlife corridors created through protecting connected land is helping, and cassowary sightings are becoming more common.
It’s Not Just About Rainforests …
The #Rainforest2Reef campaign aimed to increase awareness of the link between rainforests and coral reefs. Rainforest Rescue and BioPak partnered in a campaign in 2017 to raise awareness of the link between rainforests and coral reefs. Rivers and streams flow through the Daintree Rainforest into the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Natural vegetation in the Daintree means that this is one of the few places where flowing water is unpolluted. Coral bleaching has been a prominent issue in the past few years. Chemicals and sediments from mining and farming run into the water from cleared land, making it harder for coral to fight bleaching. Intact rainforests prevent runoff, keeping coastal water clear. The #Rainforest2Reef Instagram campaign engaged an eco-minded community of coffee lovers. Rainforest Rescue approached artists who had an affinity for the rainforest, from Indigenous artists to aerial photographers and everyone in between. Customers who shared a snap of their #Rainforest2Reef art series BioCup contributed $1 per post to restoring the Daintree and the reef. Through this campaign, BioPak and Rainforest Rescue have raised funding to save 130 square metres of threatened rainforest. Kristin Canning said she was amazed at the support of the artists and consumers who shared their stories of the Daintree and the reef over social media.
BioPak’s Contribution
The streams and rivers that run through the Daintree Rainforest feed straight into the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. BioPak’s ongoing donations have helped save 4 football fields’ area of rainforest (and counting). BioPak contributed 65,000 trees to restore a stripped sugarcane field in Mossman, QLD, which was an immediate threat of sediment runoff to the reef. By the end of this year Rainforest Rescue hope to have 100,000 trees planted in this area. By buying BioPak, you are helping to restore these unique and fragile ecosystems and preserve Australia’s biodiversity, so thank you.
Information from the BioPak blog. Want to know more about how you or your business can support environmental initiatives? Check out this article on our blog.