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Composting – the natural process of biological decomposition by fungi, bacteria, insects, worms, and other organisms – produces a nutrient-rich material that can be used to grow crops for human consumptions. Successful composting must be relatively quick, safe, and clean, which is achieved through managing the decomposition process. Composting organic food – and packaging – allows us to divert waste from landfill and return valuable nutrients bac… Read more
Canteens are a major source of litter in schools. Divert waste from landfill by switching to BioPak takeaway packaging, and use the opportunity to teach kids about sustainability.     Why Green Your Canteen? School canteens and cafeterias are a major source of litter. School cafeterias should, like other areas of the school reflect the school's educational goals and complement student learning. They are an opportunity for your school to demonstr… Read more
We are—slowly—moving away from relying on fossil fuel­–powered energy and transport, and at the same time ditching traditional plastics. Since BioPak began in 2006, they have developed and then provided recyclable, compostable packaging made of renewable resources. However, BioPak—and us—are not content to stop there. We want consumer-driven demand for an industry-wide revolution of eco-friendly, endlessly recyclable products that cause no harm t… Read more
Despite overwhelming evidence that plastic is harmful, we are still producing and consuming it in vast quantities. We know we need to ditch plastic. If you're reading this, you know we need to ditch plastic. It seems the whole social media world knows we need to ditch plastic. So why haven't we? Here, we look at several reasons plastic packaging is still being produced and consumed despite evidence that it is harmful to us and the environment.  … Read more